A lot of people seem to be, as they like to say, "depressed" nowadays. It kind of seems as if no one can really be happy now. Which seems weird to me since we are entering the festive season of Christmas. However I can also in a way relate as the past few weeks have been hard. If any of my friends are reading this: I am sorry I'm being distant....blame LIFE!. But seriously a lot of people seem to be either completely stressed out, suffering from a mental or emotional breakdown or are just "depressed". I personally think you have to be a little bit careful with the word depressed since there are people that say they are "depressed" but really are just attention seekers and then there are the ones who actually suffer from depression. I keep on wondering why everyone seems to be so upset all around me when really we have so many opportunities and friends and love and ..stuff. But I wonder:
Search This Beautiful Blog
Tuesday, 3 December 2013
A lot of people seem to be, as they like to say, "depressed" nowadays. It kind of seems as if no one can really be happy now. Which seems weird to me since we are entering the festive season of Christmas. However I can also in a way relate as the past few weeks have been hard. If any of my friends are reading this: I am sorry I'm being distant....blame LIFE!. But seriously a lot of people seem to be either completely stressed out, suffering from a mental or emotional breakdown or are just "depressed". I personally think you have to be a little bit careful with the word depressed since there are people that say they are "depressed" but really are just attention seekers and then there are the ones who actually suffer from depression. I keep on wondering why everyone seems to be so upset all around me when really we have so many opportunities and friends and love and ..stuff. But I wonder:
Monday, 18 November 2013
I love the dark
I love the dark
Because all my reponsibilities fade away
I love the dark
Because i see clearer than i see during day
I love the dark
Because i can be who i am and want to be
I love the dark
Because it's the only time my thoughts run free
I love the dark
Because it keeps me silent and divine
I love the dark
Because then I know you are mine
I love the dark
Because it is just me and you
I love the dark
Because even through darkness I know you see me too.
Saturday, 9 November 2013
Ouch. It hurts. Now I dont have a lot of experience but I suppose being stood up feels the same just that the feeling doesnt last as long ( thats just my opinion by the way ). I personally believe no one deserves to be treated like this and if you are planning on not going to e.g. the cinema with them just tell him/her. The feeling of rejection I believe is one of the most powerful feelings and is a feeling that a lot of people mess with. Take the X-Factor. When they tell the contestants wether their through to the live shows or not they say so many things implying their not and then surprise them with a yes. Some see this as oh its so nice their taking him/her to the shows. In reality though they have been playing with these peoples emotions non stop and it just keeps on continuing. When has it become acceptable to do something like that? Just like when has it become acceptable to mess with someones emotions in a relationship? The feeling of rejection can really be applied to any situation. Its the feeling you get when your bullied at school, when you are stood up, when you are not seen by the person you really like and when you are dumped. There are so many more situations, too many to mention. It can be so powerful and hurtful that it drives certain people to do stupid things (and i think we all know what I mean with this). Personally I do believe sometimes you have to create this "armour" to be able to handle that, however that still doesnt make it ok. And that my friends is what some people forget. Just because the boy you bullied everyday doesnt respond anymore does also not mean you can just continue non-stop.
Thursday, 7 November 2013
The stressing virus
Sunday, 3 November 2013
High romantic standards
Why hello everyone. Long time no see..read..thing. So even though i have been offline for a bit a lot has happened. Many things that have made me think about girls..in a non sexual way may i add. Many of girls out there have incredibly high hopes and standards when it comes to "love". Personally I am starting to believe less and less in it but I know there are some out there who still want mr. Darcy to show up at their door at dawn and propose. However I am starting to realize more and more that that is not going to happen. I sometimes have the wildest imagination ( non sexual again). Seeing "the one" walking towards me and telling me he loves me like mr. Rochester tells Jane. Or having the kind of love like Noah and Ally. But the more ideas i get the more I start to understand the impact these ideas and the following dissappointment have on me. I seriously watch to many films like the Notebook, Jane Eyre etc. Sometimes I seriously think we should just ban the whole genre in general. Its just incredibly depressing to me. Due to having watched so many of these films girls are just starting to dislike their partners because "he didnt build a house for me like Noah did" etc. All I can say is: guys I am so sorry you have to deal with this at times. It must be so frustrating. Women , I believe, are starting to underappreciate their partners due to those kind of films and books like fifty shades of grey.... I think we need to stop watching these films over and over again and need to be more open to what romance in the real world is like and to all thats out there. I think it would make life a lot easier for is girls and the guys in the real world we life in.
Monday, 7 October 2013
Gossip gossip gossip
Its something that i think we have all done during our time at school. I also think we all know there has been gossip at a time about ourselves. The funny thing with gossip is that we all hate it when its about us but L-O-V-E to be part of it. Only a small amount of people can resist the urge to quickly tell a friend something about someone. However what I wonder is why is it so appealing? We all know why gossip hurts already. Its the fact that people know or think they know something about you but you dont know what it is. But what makes gossip the main topic during sleepovers? Is it the fact that due to peer pressure we have to be "perfect" during school and so let all that annoys us out at other times. Or is it that we feel like we have to talk about others to fit in? My conclusion:
" we talk about others to feel better about ourselves"
I believe that due to social pressures we always think about how we look, what we say and who we hang out with. This however just causes many to be perfect at pointing out their own flaws. I keep thinking that we are just so jealous of so many that gossiping brings us inner joy as we forget about our own flaws and can point out others's. What we can do about it? Personally i would like to say its as easy as just accepting our flaws and stop finding joy in analyzing others's. I and many others know how it feels to be gossiped about especially if the gossip is untrue. However it is not that easy. It will take time and more than just a few people to co-operate. How long this will take? I have no bloody idea.
Sunday, 29 September 2013
Falling in love with the impossible
1. save you the pain of falling and then having to get over it.
2. help you get over him/her.
3. stop you from falling for the impossible in the future.
I know I know.. I don't give the best advice but it is the thing that helps me. But still at times I find myself still trying to convince myself; nothing is going to happen, let it go.
But it's not always that easy...
Thursday, 29 August 2013
Relationship desperation
Sunday, 25 August 2013
Dancing like beyoncè
Well hello there. Here is a less serious post. I am one of those people that always wanted to be able to dance really well. I am also one of those people that just cannot. However i often try and some moves do appear but to say that they are good is an over statement. As some may guessed from a previous post I am a "youtuber" and enjoy making videos once in a blue moon. And since i definitely do enjoy to make a fool of myself in public here is a video some may enjoy hehe
Friday, 23 August 2013
The ring
Wednesday, 21 August 2013
Why you need friends
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
The conjuring
Monday, 19 August 2013
Universe in words book reviews
universe in words
GCSE results
Multiple leonies
Sunday, 18 August 2013
judged or judge?
the travelling log
Saturday, 17 August 2013
The popularity game
Relationship status: none
So since this blog is supposed to be a way for me to order my thoughts why not get personal. I have been thinking a lot about relationships for quite a while now. So since I could not think of anything else....yes i really am a girl, I asked people for advice. Shockingly many people suggested that relationships are not about love. Realizing that I had been in the wrong (apparently) for many months I couldnt stop wondering
"Is there really no such thing as romance love and passion in relationships now a days?!" Had films like pride&predjudice and Northanger Abbey really deceived my mind?? Did I really excpect too much from a relationship, or was there still someone out there who wanted the same? (Preferably a 16 year old boy) It made me realize that that spark that I had longed for in a relationship apparently no longer....existed?!