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Falling in love with the impossible
Hey y'all. Is everyone prepared for a deep blog?? Yeah me neither so I'm gonna try to keep this simple and not too over dramatic. However since (as everyone knows) I am an over dramatic person you will find this ,hopefully, amusing. So school has started (yay) and many new people have been inhabiting the school. I personally always love the beginning of school because it is a chance to meet new people and to have a fresh start and re-invent yourself. However a new year means new drama. I sometimes literally think me and my friends should be in like a reality tv-series because I mean OMG...ok anyway. And new drama includes falling in love. However while this process can be wonderful and amazing it can also be fairly annoying. Personally I think the term "falling in love" isn't really appropriate for this kind of "liking someone" but I prefer the term falling in love so I'm sticking with it. So as you can see from the title one can fall for the impossible. This could mean liking someone that you know will never...ever like you back. It could also mean falling for someone who likes you but you know you can never be together (twilight...). It could even go as far as liking someone who is taken. Now the only thing I will tell you is that one of these 3 things happened to me. How to deal with it? No freaking clue. I'm personally still trying to work it out. However I do have one tip for y'all today. When falling for the impossible realize that it is impossible. Stop dreaming about something happening that will bring you two together because the possibility of that is like..0.1%. As harsh as this may sound it will probably either:
1. save you the pain of falling and then having to get over it.
2. help you get over him/her.
3. stop you from falling for the impossible in the future.
I know I know.. I don't give the best advice but it is the thing that helps me. But still at times I find myself still trying to convince myself; nothing is going to happen, let it go.
But it's not always that easy...
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